Research and Development

greenlife4seas engineering

A new Life for sediments and shells

GREENLIFE4SEAS project stems from the urgent need to find out sustainable solutions for two strong environmental concerns: the fate of 200 millions of m3 of sediments, often contaminated, dredged in EU every year, and the disposal of 490,000 tons/year of shells, as one of the most impacting EU aquaculture wastes. GREENLIFE4SEAS aims at demonstrating the technical feasibility, full safety and commercial viability of breakthrough solutions for in-situ recovery and reuse of dredged harbour sediments and shells, that are used as secondary raw materials for the realisation of sustainable by-products by means of an optimised mixing technology.

GREENLIFE4SEAS is carried out by a triple-helix model of Consortium, where synergy among research capitalisation, industrial symbiosis and governmental partners as primary stakeholders is the key to innovation and sustainable growth in a knowledge-based economy.

GREENLIFE4SEAS results will epitomise a concrete contribution to improve the EU environmental policy for waste management, circular blue economy and aquaculture.




Co-founded by
the European Union

Project: 101114177 – LIFE22-ENV-IT-LIFE GREENLIFE4SEAS
GREen ENgineering solution: a new LIFE for SEdiments And Shells